Archive for April, 2011

April 28, 2011


by Katyslany

It is time for a little glow, this is why:

olive oil, gettin sweaty, wearing your socks, spring rain- earth-coming-alive smell, hunting for the perfect ankle boots, double rainbows! (dooble ronbow), spooning,reading old journals/writing new ones,cleaning out my closet, listening to Hanson,dreaming of sailing, blossoms falling that look like snow, late late night walks on the beach,Hugnation, rediscovering old shoes, being asked to help/learning to ask for help,the horizon, CBC, teeny birds outside my window, sparkles on my shoes and everyone I touch, rearranging furniture, breathing, phone calls, new body wash, movies!,yyyyoga, watching friends perform, time, having my dishes done for me, Cyndi Lauper, monitoring my sternum, presents from Turkey, You.

April 25, 2011

dream land of insides

by Emma

JJ interiors: locations – go look and drool!

April 25, 2011

“What is a quote? A quote (cognate with quota) is a cut, a section, a slice of someone’s orange. You suck the slice, toss the rind, skate away.”

by Emma

— Anne Carson (Decreation)

April 25, 2011

by Emma

Anna Garforth in Anthology magaizine (i love it there)

(title : anne carson)

April 24, 2011


by Emma

forget the video, just go to 3mins to learn important life skills…

April 18, 2011

by Katyslany

and so many more: